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Masters in Computer Science Subjects: A Comprehensive List

Masters in computer science programs are designed to give students a comprehensive education in the field. While different schools may offer different courses, there are some core subjects that are typically included in all programs, as well as some electives that are offered to Masters students.

In this article, we will take a look at the most common core and elective Masters in Computer Science subjects taught in the US and throughout the world. Let’s start with an overview of Masters programs in CS.

Why Study Masters in Computer Science?

Computer Science Masters is a degree program that will give you a solid foundation in the theory, design and practical application of computer systems.

Whether you plan to work as a software engineer, data scientist, or in another technical field, having this Masters degree will equip you with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in your career.

There are several reasons for studying Masters in Computer Science on top of a Bachelors degree. These include:

  • A deeper knowledge of core computer science concepts and principles, such as software design, data modeling, algorithms, and programming languages.
  • Hands-on training in advanced cutting-edge technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, data mining and visualization, blockchain, etc.
  • An opportunity to develop professional networks and relationships with peers and professors in the industry.
  • Exposure to new ideas and innovative approaches that can help you advance your career in computer science and take on new challenges.

Who Is Masters in Computer Science for?

Masters in Computer Science programs are typically geared towards students who have a Bachelors degree in computer science or a related technical field. However, many schools also offer Masters programs that are open to students with other degrees, such as engineering or math.

A handful of programs even accept students who come from totally unrelated programs! If you’re interested in pursuing Masters in CS, be sure to check the requirements and eligibility criteria of various programs before you apply.

Regardless of your background, though, a Masters in Computer Science program is sure to give you the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this highly competitive field. So if you’re ready for an exciting and rewarding career in computer science, don’t hesitate to pursue Masters study to advance your qualifications!

computer science students gathering in the plaza
Photo by Samantha Gades @ Unsplash

What Are the Usual Core Masters in Computer Science Subjects?

Core courses, by definition, form the foundation of Masters in Computer Science programs. As such, they tend to be fairly similar across different schools and programs. They are compulsory, meaning that every student will take these courses as part of their Masters degree.

Core Masters in Computer Science Subjects include:

Computer Networks
Database Management
Analysis of Algorithms
Operating Systems
Computer Language Theory
Software Engineering
Information Security and Privacy
Advanced Computer Architecture

Computer Networks

Masters in Computer Science programs typically include a course on computer networks. This subject provides students with an understanding of the design, implementation and management of computer networks. In addition, students learn about network security and how to protect systems from attacks.

Database Management

A course on database management is essential in any Masters in Computer Science program. In this subject, students learn how to design and build databases, as well as how to query and manipulate data. They also learn about the different types of databases that are available, and how to choose the right one for a particular application.

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Analysis of Algorithms

This subject covers the analysis of algorithms, which is the process of studying how they work and determining their runtime complexity. Students learn about different algorithm types and how to choose the most efficient one for a given problem.

Operating Systems

An operating system is a vital part of any computer system, and Masters in Computer Science programs typically include a course on this subject. Students learn about the different types of operating systems available, their features and benefits, and how to design and implement them.

Computer Language Theory

A course on computer language theory is important for students who want to pursue a career in software engineering. In this subject, students learn about the principles behind different programming languages, as well as how to design and implement compilers and interpreters for them.

Software Engineering

Masters in Computer Science programs typically include a course on software engineering, which teaches students how to develop software systems that meet specific requirements and constraints. Topics covered include requirements gathering, design principles, testing methods, and project management.

Information Security and Privacy

Information security is one of the most important aspects of computing, and Masters in Computer Science programs typically include a course on it. Students learn about different types of attacks, how to protect systems against them, and the legal implications of information security breaches.

Advanced Computer Architecture

This subject covers the design and implementation of modern computer systems. Students learn about different processor architectures, memory management techniques, I/O subsystems, and parallel computing techniques.

students taking Masters in computer science subjects
Photo by Shamin Haky @ Pexels

What Are the Typical Elective Masters in Computer Science Subjects?

In addition to the core Masters in Computer Science subjects, most schools and programs also offer a range of elective courses. These allow students to tailor their Masters degree to their specific interests and career goals. Some common elective subjects include:

Computer GraphicsIT Project ManagementWeb Mining and Graph Analytics
Foundations of Analytics and Data VisualizationAdvanced Programming TechniquesNetwork Design and Management
Foundations of Machine LearningSoftware Quality, Testing, and Security ManagementDesigning and Implementing a Data Warehouse
Financial InformaticsCryptographyNetwork Security
Biomedical Sciences and Health ITArtificial IntelligenceDigital Forensics and Investigations
Health InformaticsSoftware Design and PatternsMobile Forensics and Security
Big Data AnalyticsData Science with PythonEnterprise Cybersecurity
BiometricsDatabase SecurityData Mining
Web Application DevelopmentMobile Application Development with AndroidRich Internet Application Development
Server-Side Web DevelopmentEnterprise Cybersecurity ManagementAdvanced Machine Learning and Neural Networks

These are just some of the many electives that students may choose from when pursuing a Masters in Computer Science. Depending on the program, students may have a wide range of options available to them, allowing them to focus on their areas of interest and expertise.

Whatever electives you choose, make sure that they align with your long-term career goals and help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the field.

Do Masters Students Have to Complete a Thesis or a Capstone Project?

Most Masters in Computer Science programs require students to complete either a thesis or a capstone project as part of their degree requirements.

A thesis typically involves conducting independent research related to a specific topic, while a capstone project is often more application-based and requires students to work on a real-world software development project.

Depending on the program, students may have the option to choose which type of project they want to complete. Ultimately, both the thesis and capstone project help students develop their research and problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to work independently and manage large projects.

Whether you choose a program or an option with thesis or capstone project ultimately depends on your academic interests and career goals.

For example, if you plan to pursue a PhD or an academic career after your Masters in Computer Science, a thesis may be the better choice. Alternatively, if you are more interested in working as a software developer or project manager, a capstone project may be a better fit.

Regardless of which option you choose, make sure to discuss your options with your academic advisor and carefully consider what will be the most beneficial for your career development.

Besides these two options, some computer science Masters programs offer non-thesis tracks, which do not require students to complete either a thesis or a capstone project. Students basically take courses, pass exams, and get their degree.

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This may be a good option for students who are not interested in further research or project-based work, or who simply want to complete their Masters degree as quickly as possible.

student studying a Masters in computer science subject
Photo by Kyle Gregory Devaras @ Unsplash

How Many Courses Do Masters in Computer Science Students Take Per Semester?

The number of courses that Masters in Computer Science students take per semester varies depending on the program and their academic goals. Typically, full-time CS Masters students take 2-4 courses per semester. This low number is due to the difficulty and technical rigor of Masters in computer science subjects.

Some Masters in computer science students choose to take more courses per semester in order to complete their degree requirements as quickly as possible.

On the other hand, other Masters in computer science students may prefer to take fewer courses per semester as a way to better balance their work and personal commitments.

Part-time students, in turn, take 1-3 courses per semester to be able to better balance their time. Additionally, Masters in computer science students who are working professionals may be able to get transfer credits or exemptions for some courses based on their previous work experience.

Ultimately, how many courses Masters in computer science students take per semester depends on their individual needs and goals, as well as the flexibility of their program.

What Does the Course Program Look Like for MSCS Students?

Now let’s look at a sample semester-by-semester course program for a typical Computer Science Masters program. Here is an example program structure:

Semester 1 (Fall)Semester 2 (Spring)
Operating SystemsAdvanced Computer Architecture
Computer Language TheoryAnalysis of Algorithms
Semester 3 (Fall)Semester 4 (Spring)
Software EngineeringDatabase Management
Computer NetworksInformation Security and Privacy

As you can see, Masters in computer science students typically take a mix of foundational and advanced courses in various areas of computer science. They may also have the option to take elective courses in other subjects, such as business, communications, or project management.

Additionally, Masters in computer science students may be required to take courses on professional development, such as resume writing and interviewing skills, in order to prepare them for the job market after graduation.

What Is the Usual Weekly Schedule for Masters in Computer Science Students?

The weekly schedule for Masters in computer science students can vary depending on the program and individual course requirements.

Typically, Masters in computer science students spend about 2-3 hours a day in class, and then the rest of the time they spend working on projects and assignments independently outside of class. This may involve working on problem sets or studying for exams, as well as completing course papers, capstone projects, or thesis work.

Masters in computer science students may also be required to attend regular lectures, seminars, and lab sessions throughout the week.

A sample Monday-through-Friday class schedule for a Masters in computer science student may look like this:


As you can see, Masters in computer science students typically spend a limited amount of time in the classroom and recitations and rely on their free time to complete homework assignments and prepare for exams.

How Much Time Do Computer Science Students Spend Studying?

The amount of time Masters in computer science students spend studying can vary depending on a number of factors, including the difficulty and pace of the course materials.

Generally speaking, Masters in computer science students are expected to study for 2-6 hours each day outside of class in order to keep up with the material and prepare for exams and assignments.

Masters in computer science students may also spend additional time working on capstone projects, group projects, or thesis work as part of their degree requirements.

Additionally, Masters in computer science students are typically encouraged to engage with the professional computer science community through research and networking events such as conferences and workshops.

Ultimately, how much time Masters in computer science students spend studying depends on a number of factors, but the important thing is to stay organized and focused in order to successfully complete the coursework and achieve your goals.

computer science student in green crew neck t-shirt sitting on black office rolling chair
Photo by Raj Rana @ Pexels

Are Masters in Computer Science Subjects Hard?

Most Masters in computer science subjects are considered difficult. They typically involve a mix of foundational and advanced course materials, which can be challenging for students to master.

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Masters in computer science subjects usually require a large amount of homework and keep students busy for a number of hours for each assignment.

Additionally, Masters in computer science students have to pass challenging midterm and final exams or write a thesis or capstone project as part of their degree requirements.

Despite the challenges, Masters in computer science students typically find that the rewards of a Masters in computer science degree outweigh the obstacles.

Programming courses and assignments are usually considered to be a lot of fun by most students, as they allow them to work on functional programs and see results of their hard work right away. It is generally very rewarding to see an application do what it is intended to do in the end.

What is the Average Masters in Computer Science GPA?

The average cumulative GPA of a Masters in Computer Science student is around 3.5, though it can vary depending on the program and institution.

Masters in computer science programs typically have high expectations for their students, and most programs expect their students to achieve at least a 3.0 GPA in order to successfully complete their degree, though some schools may require higher grades.

Additionally, Masters in computer science students are often expected to maintain a high GPA throughout the program in order to be eligible for financial aid and research opportunities.

What Are the Specializations for Masters in Computer Science?

As you may know, Masters in computer science programs offer a wide range of specializations and focus areas, including programming languages and algorithms, robotics, artificial intelligence, systems engineering, and more.

Some Masters in computer science programs may also offer a joint Masters in computer science and MBA or MSCS & law degree, which allows students to combine their Masters in computer science education with practical business skills or legal expertise.

Ultimately, the specific specialization you choose will depend on your interests and career goals, so be sure to explore all the options and choose the program that is right for you.

three software engineers looking at a laptop screen
Photo by Icons8 Team @ Unsplash

Tips on How to Be Successful as a Masters in Computer Science Student

To be successful as a Masters in computer science student, it is important to stay organized and focused on your goals. This includes the following aspects:

1. Stay Organized

It is also important to stay organized when you are a Masters in Computer Science student. There will be a lot of information to keep track of, and it is important that you have a system in place for organizing your thoughts and materials.

Additionally, staying organized will help you to manage your time effectively, which is crucial when you are balancing schoolwork with other responsibilities.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

When you are struggling with something, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your professors or classmates. Everyone struggles at times, and there is no shame in admitting that you need assistance.

Asking for help can also show that you are resourceful and willing to take initiative, both of which are qualities that employers value.

3. Be Prepared for Job Interviews

As a Masters in Computer Science student, you will likely have many job offers after graduation. However, it is important to remember that the job interview process is very different from the academic interview process.

In order to be prepared for job interviews, it is important that you practice answering common interview questions and learn how to sell yourself as a candidate.

4. Keep Up With Industry Trends

It is also important to keep up with industry trends if you want to be successful as a Masters in Computer Science student.

The field of computer science is constantly evolving, and new technologies and approaches are being developed all the time. By keeping up with industry trends, you will ensure that you have the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for.

5. Get Involved in Research Early (if on thesis track)

One of the best ways to be successful as a Masters in Computer Science student is to get involved in research early. Research will not only help you to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter, but it will also give you the opportunity to work with some of the top professors in the field.

Additionally, getting involved in research can help you to network with other students and professionals, which can be helpful when you are looking for jobs after graduation.

6. Join Student Organizations

Another way to be successful as a Masters in Computer Science student is to join student organizations. Student organizations can provide you with opportunities to meet other students with similar interests, as well as access to resources that can help you in your studies.

Additionally, many student organizations offer leadership opportunities that can help you to develop important skills that will be beneficial in your career.


Write a conclusion paragraph for this blog post Masters in computer science subjects can be extremely rewarding, and there are many different paths you can take to get there. We’ve outlined some of the most popular ones here, but remember that this is just a starting point.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these degree programs or want help finding the best one for you, make sure to check the web pages of individuals Masters programs you are interested in.

And finally, don’t forget – anything is possible with the right amount of hard work and determination! Best of luck in your studies.