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Is Software Engineering Hard? An Honest Assessment

As you explore the realm of software engineering, you might be wondering if it’s a hard path to pursue. The truth is, software engineering can indeed be challenging. However, with dedication and proper guidance, it’s a skill almost anyone can master.

In this article, we will discuss how hard software engineering is as a career, why you should pursue it, and how to get started. Treat this as a guide for you to acquire all the necessary information on whether you should get into software engineering and steps you need to take to do so.

Let’s Start with Basics: What Is Software Engineering and What Do Software Engineers Do?

Software engineering is a branch of computer science focused on designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications. Basically speaking, you’ll be applying engineering principles and knowledge of programming languages to create functional and efficient software for users.

When working as a software engineer, you will be tasked with various responsibilities. Some of these might include using data structures and algorithms to build computer programs.

To be an effective software engineer, you should have some key skills. Common software engineering skills include:

  • Proficiency in programming languages, such as Java and C++
  • Time management abilities
  • Writing efficient code
  • Creating and running tests for software
  • Managing and maintaining software
  • Debugging
  • Project management skills

Is Software Engineering Hard?

So, you’re wondering whether software engineering is hard. Well, the short answer is: it depends.

Like any field, there are certainly aspects that can be challenging, but it’s not all doom and gloom. In fact, many people find software engineering to be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable.

Sure, there may be times when you’re scratching your head trying to solve a particularly tricky problem, but there’s also a lot of satisfaction that comes with finally figuring it out.

And the great thing about software engineering is that there are so many resources available online to help you learn and grow.

So, while it might not be a total walk in the park, we wouldn’t say it’s necessarily “hard” either. It’s all about your analytical abilities, patience, and motivational predisposition towards logical problems and math.

How Hard Computer Science Education Is

When it comes to learning software engineering, computer science education can be among the most difficult in technology-related fields. One of the biggest challenges is learning how to code. Additionally, you might encounter difficulty with intensive math courses like Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Math.

How Hard the Job Is

As a software engineer, you’ll need to utilize problem-solving skills and the ability to think logically on a daily basis. This involves critical thinking, troubleshooting, and debugging to produce high-quality code. Moreover, staying up-to-date with the latest technologies is essential to your success as a software engineer. So, it is surely not the easiest profession to pursue.

Our Take

Objective assessment of the difficulty of software engineering as an occupation is nearly impossible. Why is that?

Some people will swear they don’t even consider their software engineering job “work”, while others will tell you how much they suffer spending hours behind a computer screen coding everyday.

So what does their relationship with programming depend on?

Surely, the difference in-between company culture and workload is part of the answer. But the other factor is internal and largely depends on the person.

There are people who are born to be problem solvers and organizers, those that do well at math in school. Others like history and politics and despise technical subjects.

The former do much better as software engineers and enjoy their jobs a lot more. They have fun coding and don’t mind doing it for hours on end. In fact, they often get lost in hours and don’t even feel the time passing!

So, there isn’t one objective answer for whether or not software engineering is hard. The only way to know whether or not programming is hard FOR YOU is to play around with coding for a few days, work on a couple of mini project, and you will know. Trust us.

woman using drawing pad while sitting in front of laptop
Photo by Josefa nDiaz @ Unsplash

What Is Hard about Software Engineering, Exactly?

Still, there are things that are objective challenging about software engineering. So let’s talk about those to help you be more aware of what to expect in this career.

It Is Cognitively Demanding

Software engineering can be mentally demanding due to its requirement for strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. You need to think logically, troubleshoot, and debug your code to produce high-quality software. This often involves a lot of critical thinking and an ability to adapt to challenging situations.

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Requires High Level of Technical Expertise

Another factor making software engineering difficult is the need for a high level of technical expertise. Due to the breadth of its scope, you are not just writing code, but also working with software design, architecture, development procedures, testing, and deployment.

Understanding these numerous concepts and mastering multiple programming languages can take time and energy, presenting a considerable challenge for some.

Requires Lifelong Learning

As a software engineer, you must constantly stay up-to-date with the latest technologies. This involves learning new programming languages, frameworks, and tools regularly as technology evolves rapidly.

The need for lifelong learning means that your career requires continuous studying, which can be a problem for some who didn’t particularly like their time in college.

Mostly Sedentary

Software engineering is a mostly sedentary profession, which can paradoxically be physically demanding in its own way. You’ll likely spend a significant portion of your day sitting in front of a computer, leading to potential health issues such as eye strain, back pain, or repetitive stress injuries. Mental health problems are also not unheard of among software engineers.

Why You Should Still Pursue Software Engineering

While there are several challenges that come with the software engineering career, there are also so many things we cherish about this amazing profession. Here are our favorites.

Solving Programming Puzzles is Fun!

If you enjoy solving puzzles and using logical thinking, software engineering might be the perfect fit for you. Programming is often compared to solving complex puzzles, as you work to find the most efficient and creative ways to achieve your goal.

The process can be both mentally stimulating and rewarding, providing you with new challenges to overcome every day.

Ability to Build Truly Intelligent Systems

As a software engineer, you have the power to create innovative and intelligent applications that can truly change the world.

Whether it’s developing cutting-edge technologies like machine learning or working on revolutionary products, software engineering offers an opportunity to create sophisticated products and systems that can make a difference in people’s lives.

The Job is Usually Low-Stress

Many software engineering jobs provide a balance between challenging work and a relatively low-stress environment. You will often work on focused projects that allow creativity and collaboration, and the nature of the work means you can take things at your own pace and avoid stress throughout the day.

High Demand and Salary

Software engineering is a field that is in high demand, with job opportunities increasing as technology continues to advance. This also means that salaries for software engineers tend to be quite competitive.

Pursuing a career in software engineering provides you with job security and financial stability while allowing you to enjoy the benefits of using your technical skills to create innovative solutions.

So, Who Should Pursue Software Engineering?

First and foremost, if you have a strong interest in technology and programming, software engineering could be a rewarding career choice for you.

As a software engineer, you’ll work with various programming languages, databases, and frameworks to develop and maintain software applications, systems, and platforms. Since technology is constantly evolving, you’ll also need to be eager to learn and adapt to new challenges.

Another essential aspect of thriving in this profession is having a strong set of both hard and soft skills. Be prepared to master skills in programming, database management, and project management, among others.

However, don’t ignore the importance of soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills, which are all critical to excelling in your job.

If you possess the following traits, you might find success in software engineering:

  • Analytical mindset: Ability to analyze complex problems, devise solutions, and systematically break them down.
  • Detail-oriented: You have a keen eye for details and can identify potential issues before they become significant problems.
  • Self-motivated: You’re driven to learn independently and continue to improve your skills.
  • Creative: You can think outside the box and come up with innovative ideas to solve unanticipated problems.

To gain more insight into whether software engineering is right for you, it can be helpful to take a quiz like this one. It will ask you a few short questions that can further clarify your suitability for this career path.

Lastly, keep in mind that software engineering does require hard work and dedication, but it can also be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling career. By reflecting on your interests, skills, and compatibility with the field, you can make an informed decision about whether software engineering is right for you.

software engineer using phone and laptop
Photo by Austin Distel @ Unsplash

How to Become a Software Engineer

Now that you’ve hopefully acquired an idea of whether or not software engineering is for you, it’s time to talk about how to actually become a software developer. Getting to know the career path of a programmer will help you consider whether going down this road is worth it for you and assist you in making initial plans.


College Degree

A common path to becoming a software engineer is pursuing a college degree. You can choose from various majors such as computer science, information technology, software engineering, or computer and information systems. They mostly teach the same things.

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If you’re interested in deepening your knowledge, consider obtaining a master’s degree in a relevant discipline, although it’s certainly not required to work in the field.

Earning a college degree can enhance your employment prospects, as some companies require a bachelor’s degree from applicants. Additionally, completing a degree program can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and better prepare you for a career in software engineering.

Coding Bootcamp

Another way to learn software engineering is by attending a coding bootcamp. These programs typically last a few months and focus on practical, hands-on coding experience. Coding bootcamps can be an excellent option if you want to quickly build your skills and transition into the field.

Some key benefits of coding bootcamps include:

  • Intensive, focused learning experience
  • Access to experienced instructors and mentors
  • Networking opportunities with fellow students and alumni
  • Faster transition into the job market compared to obtaining a college degree

Self Study

If you prefer a more flexible and self-directed approach, you can teach yourself software engineering through online resources. This method allows you to:

  • Learn at your own pace
  • Choose the subjects and tools you want to focus on
  • Build a personalized learning pathway

To make the most of self-study, use a combination of online tutorials, coding practice platforms, books, and forums.

Engaging with the software engineering community and working on personal projects can further solidify your skills. While self-study may require more dedication and discipline, it offers a customized path towards your software engineering goals.



An excellent way to gain hands-on experience in the software engineering field is by participating in internships. Internships provide opportunities to work on real-world projects, allowing you to build your skillset and gain valuable insights into the industry.

Look for internships through your academic institution, online platforms, or networking events. You might even get a chance to be retained as a full-time employee after your internship, so take advantage of this opportunity to make a significant impression.

Personal Projects

Working on personal projects is another effective way to showcase your programming skills and learn new technologies. Engage yourself in projects that challenge and excite you, as they’ll not only contribute to your portfolio but keep you motivated throughout your learning journey.

Create a variety of projects to demonstrate your versatility and adaptability in the ever-changing field of software engineering. Share your completed projects on platforms like GitHub, where potential employers can view and assess your skills.


Offering your software engineering skills through volunteer work is a noble and practical way to gain experience. Explore volunteer opportunities within your community, like local non-profit organizations or schools, where you can contribute your time and expertise.

Apart from gaining experience, volunteering is also an excellent avenue for networking and helping you build connections that can lead to job opportunities. By volunteering, you’ll be able to grow professionally and gain work experience, making it a win-win situation for all involved.

How to Search for Software Engineer Jobs

Build a Portfolio

Creating a strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills as a software engineer. Start by working on personal projects, contributing to open-source projects, or completing coding challenges.

Having a well-rounded collection of projects will demonstrate your expertise to potential employers. Make sure to include detailed descriptions and links to your work in your portfolio.

Work on Your Resume

Your resume is an important tool in the job search process. To make it stand out, tailor it to the specific requirements of the software engineering job you’re applying for. Highlight your relevant skills, experience, and education in a clear and concise manner.

Also, don’t forget to include any relevant certifications or courses you’ve completed that can strengthen your software engineering credentials.

Sharpen Your Interview Skills

Preparing for interviews is crucial for landing a software engineering job. Practice common technical and behavioral interview questions with a friend or use online resources like LeetCode for coding challenges.

In addition, research the company and the role to be better prepared to answer questions about why you’re a good fit. Finally, don’t underestimate the importance of soft skills like communication and problem-solving, as these are highly valued in software engineers.

Apply for Jobs

When you’re ready to start applying, use platforms like Indeed and LinkedIn to find software engineering job openings.

Networking can also play a significant role in your job search, so let your friends, family, and connections know you’re looking for a job and attend career fairs or tech meetups to make new contacts in the industry.

software engineer standing in an office looking at a tablet
Photo by The Jopwell Collection @ Unsplash

What Topics Do You Have to Study to Become a Software Engineer?

Pursuing a career in software engineering requires you to learn a variety of topics in computer science, mathematics, and specialized areas. Here’s a table detailing some of the essential classes, their difficulty levels, and a brief description of each:

ClassDifficulty LevelDescription
Data StructuresModerateStudy of efficient ways to organize and manipulate data in programs, such as arrays and lists.
AlgorithmsChallengingLearn about solving problems using algorithms and their complexity and efficiency.
Programming LanguagesModerateMaster one or more programming languages, such as Python, Java, or C++.
Operating SystemsChallengingLearn about different OS architectures, resource management, and process control.
DatabasesModerateStudy of database structures, queries, and how to create, manage, and maintain them.
NetworkingIntermediateUnderstand how computers communicate and transfer data over networks and the internet.
Computer ArchitectureChallengingLearn about the building blocks of computers, such as memory, CPUs, and instruction sets.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)ModerateLearn the principles of object-oriented programming and how to design and write OOP code.
Software Engineering PrinciplesModerateStudy the principles of software engineering, project management, and software development.
Discrete MathematicsChallengingLearn about mathematical concepts, such as logic, set theory, and graph analysis.

To become a successful software engineer, invest your time in studying and mastering these subjects. It’s essential to practice regularly and apply your learning to real-world projects. Some of these topics might be more challenging than others, but with dedication and hard work, you can excel in these areas and build a strong foundation in software engineering.

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Don’t hesitate to seek help from peers, instructors, or online resources when you need it. Remember, learning is a continuous process, and it’s crucial to stay updated with new technologies and advancements in the field.

How Long Does It Take to Become a Software Engineer?

Becoming a software engineer takes quite a bit of time and effort, but it’s an achievable goal with proper planning. Generally, it takes around four years to complete an undergraduate degree in computer science, software engineering, information technology, or a related field. This is the traditional path to a software engineering career and allows you to gain the foundation necessary to excel in this industry.

If you opt for a master’s degree, you can expect to spend an additional year or two after completing your bachelor’s degree. This option is ideal for those looking to specialize in a particular area of software engineering or those seeking managerial or leadership positions.

Another educational option is to earn an associate degree in software development. While this path usually takes about two years to complete, it provides you with basic knowledge and skills to start your career. However, keep in mind that more advanced positions may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Finally, you may opt for a coding bootcamp instead of a college degree. In this case, you will need to spend 3-6 months gaining practical knowledge in programming, after which you could start looking for jobs.

Education is just one part of the journey. In addition to your formal academic courses, immerse yourself in programming languages and familiarize yourself with different software development tools and technologies.

Participating in internships, coding projects, attending hackathons, or contributing to open-source projects helps you gain real-world experience and improve your skills.

Remember, the duration for becoming a software engineer might vary depending on the chosen academic path, your dedication, and the time you invest in building practical skills. While it may seem like a long road, the rewards of a fulfilling career in software engineering are worth the effort.

How to Make it Easy to Learn Software Engineering (Actual Tips)

Breaking into software engineering can feel intimidating at first. However, with the right approach, you can make it much easier to learn. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Start with the basics: It’s essential to have a strong foundation in programming, mathematics, and engineering principles. Focus on learning one programming language at first, like Python or Java, and work your way up from there.
  2. Practice regularly: Dedicate time every day to practice coding and work on small projects. Consistent practice helps in building your problem-solving skills and solidifying your understanding of programming concepts.
  3. Take advantage of online resources: There is a wealth of online resources available to help you learn software engineering. Utilize free online courses, tutorials, and documentation to expand your knowledge.
  4. Join coding communities: Engage with other learners and experienced developers in coding forums and online communities. These platforms provide an opportunity to ask questions, share knowledge, and get feedback on your projects.
  5. Learn by building projects: Working on practical projects is one of the best ways to learn software engineering. Start with smaller tasks and gradually move on to more complex projects as your skills improve.
  6. Set clear goals: Establish short-term and long-term goals for your learning journey. Having clear objectives can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process.

Remember, patience and persistence are crucial when learning any new skill, including software engineering. Stick to your goals, practice consistently, and use the resources and tips mentioned above, and you’ll find the learning process becomes easier over time.


In summary, software engineering can be challenging for some, but it’s quite rewarding for those who are passionate about the field. Your ability to succeed and enjoy the work will largely depend on your interest in technology, problem-solving aptitude, and commitment to learning new skills.

Remember that various factors make software engineering hard, such as cognitive demand, constantly evolving technology landscape, and the need to stay up-to-date with emerging trends.

One key aspect of being successful in software engineering is to understand the balance between technical expertise and creativity. While you’ll certainly need strong technical skills, it’s also important to tap into your creative side in order to develop innovative solutions. This balance is what makes software engineering both a technical and creative discipline.

To thrive in this field, you should be prepared to invest time and effort in continuous learning. Hardware and software technologies are frequently updated, and keeping up with these changes is crucial to your success. Embrace learning as an ongoing process, not just a phase of your education.

Finally, be patient and persistent in your pursuit of a software engineering career. The competition can be high, and getting the right job might take time. However, your dedication and perseverance will pay off when you find that perfect role that allows you to put your skills and passion into action.

You have the potential to excel in software engineering – stay curious, embrace challenges, and continue learning.