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Is JavaScript Still Used in 2024?

JavaScript has been one of the most popular web development languages for decades and its popularity has only grown in recent years. But with so many new technologies emerging, is JavaScript still used and relevant in 2024?

In this article, we’ll discuss how much JavaScript is being used around the world in the present day, what JavaScript is used for, and whether it’s worth learning at the moment.

We will also take a look at why JavaScript continues to be used by developers around the world and discuss how it might evolve over the next few years.

Whether you’re just starting out as a developer or looking to stay up-to-date on current trends, this article will provide valuable insight into where JavaScript stands today and what its future looks like.

Is JavaScript Still Used in 2024?

Let’s cut right down to the chase – JavaScript is not just widely used today, but it remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

According to the 2022 study by StackOverflow, JavaScript is and has been the most popular programming language for the last ten years.

Moreover, JavaScript is the main language of the web. It is installed in every existing web browser and integrated into 98.5% of all websites on the internet.

JavaScript is used to add interactiveness and functionality to websites, and there are no real competitors for it at the present day.

So is JavaScript still used in 2024? Not only that, but it is the most prominent language existing in the world today.

Where is JavaScript Used?

JavaScript is traditionally used for adding creative responsive elements and logic to websites. However, JavaScript has largely evolved in the last two decades to include novel frameworks and libraries that make it possible for JavaScript to do much more.


Front-end programming is JavaScript’s most common use. The language is used to create dynamic webpages, allowing for interactive elements such as popup menus, graphs, sliders, etc.

Without JavaScript, the front end of web pages used to be coded using only HTML and CSS, which are the bare bones of the structure of the pages, as well as its static styling.

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JavaScript helped revolutionize the front end of web pages and brought life to them, making them look more interesting and engaging.


While the classical use of JavaScript has been the front end for many more than a decade, JavaScript is now also used for back-end development. This type of JavaScript programming is done thanks to the framework called Node.js, which has been created in 2009.

Now, Node.js allows developers to create server-side applications and APIs with JavaScript and leverage its power for back-end programming.


JavaScript can also be used for programming various types of computer and mobile applications.

Novel frameworks such as Angular allow developers to create browser-based applications. This framework, which was built upon JavaScript, is used to create single page applications for desktop browsers, mobile devices, and tablets.

In turn, React Native is a framework that enables developers to create native applications for Android and iOS phones, thus making mobile applications programmable in JavaScript.

Finally, Electron is a popular framework that allows developers to create cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript.

javascript and other front-end languages

What Is Vanilla JavaScript and Do You Need to Learn It?

Vanilla JavaScript is basically the classical version of JavaScript stripped of all adjunct libraries (such as JQuery) and frameworks.

It is called Vanilla JavaScript, since it is the basic version of the language just like vanilla ice cream is a classic type of ice cream.

While some people may argue that Vanilla JavaScript may not be as relevant today with the advent of JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue, it is imperative to learn the fundamentals of Vanilla JavaScript in order to understand the language better and be able to use it for more complex tasks.

Moreover, while libraries and frameworks may be advantageous for particular tasks, Vanilla JavaScript is still widely used for basic web elements such as buttons, interactive maps, etc.

As a computer science platform, we recommend every software engineer serious about web development to learn Vanilla JS before diving into libraries and frameworks.

What Are the JavaScript Frameworks?

Now that we’ve talked about Vanilla JavaScript, let’s talk about frameworks that have been built upon JS to make it a more powerful and streamlined tool.

The most popular frameworks are React, Angular, and Vue, which all have different advantages and drawbacks. Here is a brief comparison of these three frameworks:

  • React is a library that enables developers to create interactive user interfaces. It is easy to learn and has a large community of users, making it a popular choice for developers.
  • Angular is a robust framework that allows developers to create single-page web applications. It is more difficult to learn than React but has the benefit of being very powerful and secure.
  • Vue is a minimalistic framework that allows developers to create user interfaces and single-page applications. It is easy to learn and is becoming increasingly popular with developers due to its flexibility.
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There are a lot more JavaScript frameworks that are currently in wide use among developers and companies. You can take a look at the most popular ones in this post.

Is JavaScript Worth Learning in 2024?

As we mentioned, JavaScript remains one of the most popular programming languages in use at the moment.

According to the Devskiller IT Skills and Hiring Report of 2022, 72% of companies are looking for developers proficient in JavaScript. This means that JS developers are in high demand and their skills are of great value.

Salaries of JavaScript developers are also highly competitive. According to ZipRecruiter, JavaScript developers earn an average of $105,701 annually.

Furthermore, with the steady growth of web and mobile applications, JavaScript is likely to remain popular in 2024 and beyond. Therefore, learning JS is an intelligent choice for anyone who is planning to look for front-end and full-stack developer roles.

a software developer sitting at a desk with a laptop and a coffee cup writing JavaScript
Photo by Mailchimp @ Unsplash

Is JavaScript Hard to Learn?

Believe it or not, JavaScript is actually one of the easiest programming languages to learn. According to our analysis, JavaScript is actually the best first programming language to learn for new programmers.

CareerFoundry has also put it as number 4 on the list of the easiest programming languages due to its straightforward syntax, ubiquitous browser support, easy interface building, and large support network.

Furthermore, with the help of frameworks such as React and Angular, developers can build complex applications with JavaScript quickly and easily.

Therefore, if you are planning to learn a programming language, JavaScript is an excellent choice for beginners. And if you already know the basics of JavaScript, it should be fairly easy to pick up a framework and start building complex applications.

So if you want to get into web development, you should definitely invest time in learning JavaScript!

Will JavaScript Still be Used in the Future?

It is easy to see that JavaScript will remain popular as long as the world-wide web and websites exist. This means that JavaScript is here to stay and is likely to remain a fundamental programming language far into the future.

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As a Quora user Omar Mokhtar has said, if someone created a language better than English and told everyone they should learn and use it instead, would they? Of course not! The new language may be better than English, but all of the books and history are written in English. All of the computer applications and manuals are written in English, and most of the world speaks English. Why would we make a change?

Similarly, JavaScript remains the dominant player in front-end web development. There aren’t even any other major languages competing for this spot.

All browsers and websites support JavaScript. There are no other languages that can replace it anytime soon.

JavaScript has a lot of frameworks and libraries that empower it and update its capabilities every year. With the help of those, JavaScript is more than capable of meeting web development needs for the foreseeable future.


Is JavaScript still in use nowadays? You better believe it! In fact, it is in its prime and is being used as the main programming language in web development.

If you are planning to become a web developer, learning JavaScript is an excellent way to start your career. With its straightforward syntax, huge support network, and the number of frameworks available for it, JavaScript is an excellent candidate for your skillset portfolio.

JavaScript is also not going anywhere as long as the internet and web pages exist. Therefore, you can be sure that you will have plenty of opportunities to work with JavaScript in the future. So don’t hesitate and get started with your JavaScript journey today!