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Camel Case vs. Snake Case: Which One Should I Use?

In the world of programming, naming conventions play a crucial role in readability and maintainability. Two popular naming conventions you might come across are camel case and snake case. Both serve the same purpose – to make your code easier to understand – but they have distinct ways of achieving this goal.

Camel case and snake case are both variable and/or function naming conventions. Camel case uses capital letters (aside from the first word) to separate words in a variable or function name (example: ageOfTheUser), while snake case uses underscores (in place of blank spaces) to separate words (example: age_of_the_user).

Traditionally, naming conventions vary with the languages used and personal preference. Yet, using camel case vs. snake case will not affect the functionality of your code and is only used/chosen for consistency and readability.

Key Takeaways

  • Camel case and snake case are naming conventions that improve code readability.
  • Camel case capitalizes the first letter of each word except the first, while snake case separates words with underscores.
  • Choosing a casing style depends on the language, personal preference, and team guidelines.

Camel Case vs. Snake Case Examples

Before we dive further into the difference between camel case and snake case, let’s paint a clearer picture of what camel case and snake case are by providing examples. To reiterate, these naming conventions are commonly used in programming languages for various purposes such as naming variables, functions, and classes, to make them more readable and maintainable.

Camel case uses lowercase for the first word and then capitalizes the first letter of each subsequent word, like firstName or shoppingCart. This convention doesn’t use any spaces or underscores between words, so it increases readability without adding extra whitespace.

A few more examples of camel case are:

  • getUserName
  • productList
  • calculateTotal

On the other hand, snake case uses lowercase letters and separates words with underscores, like first_name or shopping_cart.

Here are a few examples of snake case:

  • get_user_name
  • product_list
  • calculate_total

As you can see, both naming conventions have their own advantages, with camel case focusing on reducing whitespace, while snake case provides a clear separation with underscores.

When writing code, it’s important to use the naming convention that’s most suitable for the programming language you’re using, or what your team has decided on as a standard. That way, you’ll keep your codebase consistent and easy to understand for yourself and your colleagues.

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History of Camel Case vs. Snake Case

The origins of camel case and snake case can be traced back to different programming practices. Understanding the history behind these naming conventions can help you appreciate the reasons behind their existence in various coding languages.

Camel case got its name from the “hump” created by the capital letters in the middle of words, similar to the hump on a camel’s back. This naming convention became popular with the rise of object-oriented programming languages such as Java and C++. In these languages, the practice of writing phrases without spaces or punctuation, capitalizing each word, became widely adopted.

This convention makes it easier to read and understand variable names, as well as method or function names in your code. The format indicates the first word starting with either case, followed by subsequent capitalized words.

On the other hand, snake case was born from an entirely different approach. In this naming convention, each space is replaced with an underscore (_) character, and the first letter of each word is written in lowercase. Snake case has been commonly used in languages like Python, Ruby, and Perl, where readability and simplicity are highly valued. One study even found that readers can recognize snake case values more quickly than other naming conventions (Wikipedia).

The choice between camel case and snake case often depends on the language, framework, or library being used. Some environments have a strict naming convention that aligns with their style guide. For example, Python’s PEP-8 style guide highly recommends using snake case for variable and function names.

Similarly, JavaScript and Java tend to favor camel case in their naming conventions. By adhering to the appropriate convention in your programming environment, you can contribute to a more consistent and readable codebase.

turned on MacBook Pro near brown ceramic mug with code on screen
Camel case vs. snake case have roots in history.

Programming Languages That Use Snake Case vs. Camel Case

As we’ve mentioned in the history of different casing styles, when it comes to programming languages, different naming conventions prevail. Snake case and camel case are two popular options for naming variables, functions, and classes. Let’s dive into which programming languages typically use these two conventions.

Snake case is commonly used in languages such as Python, Ruby, and C++. For example, in Python, you might define a variable as my_variable = 42.

On the other hand, camel case is popular in languages like JavaScript, Java, and C# for naming variables or functions like int myVariable = 42;.

As you continue learning and working in different programming languages, you’ll become more familiar with the preferred naming conventions in each, making your code cleaner and more professional.

Which Case Should I Use?

So, which casing style should you use when it comes to camel case vs. snake case? There are several factors you need to take into consideration when choosing how to name your variables, classes, functions, etc.

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Company/Team Conventions

When you’re deciding between snake case vs. camel case, it’s essential to consider your company or team’s established conventions. Many organizations have coding style guidelines that dictate which case you should use for different kinds of projects. By following these conventions, you ensure consistency across your codebase and make it easier for your colleagues to understand and maintain your code.

Programming Language

Another critical factor to consider is the programming language you’re using. Some languages have set guidelines or community conventions when it comes to variable naming.

As we’ve mentioned, in Python, the convention is to use snake_case for variables and functions, whereas Java and C# prefer camelCase. It’s essential to understand and follow these conventions since it helps to ensure your code is more readable and adheres to best practices in that specific programming language.

Your Preference

If there are no strict guidelines or established conventions, your personal preference might come into play. Some developers prefer camelCase due to its compactness and ease of typing, while others might find snake_case more readable because the words are separated by underscores.

As long as your case choice doesn’t contradict your team conventions or language guidelines, you’re free to adopt the style that you find most comfortable and readable.

Remember, the most important thing is to stay consistent with your chosen case throughout your project to maintain a clean and easily understood codebase.

man using black laptop computer
Casing style selection depends on company, language, and your preferences.

Other Casing Styles

In addition to camel case and snake case, there are other casing styles used in programming that you might come across. This section will discuss two popular casing styles: Pascal Case and Kebab Case.

Pascal Case

Similar to camel case, Pascal Case is another method of organizing compound words in an identifier by using capital letters. The main difference between camel case and Pascal Case is that the first letter of the first word in the variable also gets capitalized (userName in camel case vs. UserName in pascal scale).

In other words, in Pascal Case, you capitalize the first letter of every word, including the initial word. This can make Pascal Case-style names easier to read, especially when dealing with more complex identifiers.

For instance:


Pascal Case is often used in programming languages like C# for naming classes, namespaces, and methods.

Kebab Case

Kebab Case is another popular casing style, mainly used in web development and filenames. In Kebab Case, compound words are separated by hyphens, and all letters are in lowercase. This style can be particularly helpful in situations where spaces and underscores are not suitable or allowed.

Here are some examples of Kebab Case:


In web design, Kebab Case is commonly used for CSS class names and HTML attributes. It’s worth noting that JavaScript and other programming languages may not support hyphenated variable names, so Kebab Case is best suited for specific applications like web development.

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Make sure to choose an appropriate casing style based on the conventions of your programming language or project to maintain readability and consistency in your code.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between camel case and snake case?

Camel case is a naming convention where the first letter of each word in a variable or function name, except the first word, is capitalized and the words are joined together without spaces. For example: userName or getProductData. Snake case, on the other hand, uses underscores to separate words, with all letters in lowercase, like user_name or get_product_data. The main differences between them are the use of capitalization and the use of underscores.

In which programming languages is camel case preferred over snake case?

Camel case is more commonly used in languages such as Java, JavaScript, and C#. These languages often have guidelines or conventions that encourage the use of camel case when naming variables, functions, and classes. However, it’s essential to check your specific language’s guidelines and follow your team’s agreed-upon conventions.

Is snake case more readable than camel case?

Some developers find snake case more readable because the emphasis on the separation of words by underscores can make it easier to visually parse variable and function names. Others may find camel case more aesthetically pleasing, and readability can be subjective based on personal preferences.

How does camel case compare to pascal case?

Pascal case is another naming convention that is similar to camel case. However, the first letter of the first word is also capitalized in pascal case (UserName), unlike in camel case (userName). While camel case is more widely used for variable and function names, pascal case is often preferred for naming classes or constants in some languages.

Why do some developers prefer snake case over camel case?

The preference for snake case could be a result of a developer’s familiarity with programming languages that prominently use snake case, such as Python or Ruby. Snake case’s readability and the visual separation of words in variable or function names could also be reasons for preferring snake case.

What are some common scenarios for using camel case and snake case?

Generally, it’s best to use the naming convention most commonly associated with the programming language you’re working with or the one established by your team. For example, in JavaScript projects, you might use camel case for variable and function names: getUserDetails() and userAddress. In Python or Ruby projects, you might opt for snake case, like get_user_details() and user_address.