10x software engineer is a term that has been floating around the internet for a while now. The 10x engineer meme is based on the idea that there exist brilliant engineers that are 10 times as talented and productive as an average engineer. But where did this term come from? And how can you become a 10x engineer?
What Is a 10x Software Engineer?
The concept of 10x engineer dates back to the 1968 article published in Communications of the ACM that presented data showing that the best programmers are 10 times better than the worst programmers.
The term has been scrutinized further in the 2000s involving debates of whether it is possible to have engineers that are ten times more productive than their peers.
However, the recent interest in the concept of the 10x engineers has been ignited by the investor Shekhar Kirani (@skirani) who has shared a twitter thread characterizing 10x engineers and how to spot one.
The thread later became an inspiration for the popular 10x engineer meme which has taken over the internet since.

How To Spot a 10x Engineer?
According to Shekhar Kirani, 10x engineers possess certain traits that are noticeable by normal people, and if being attentive, employers could potentially pick out and hire such talented individuals and profit from having them join their ranks.
Below criteria are what Kirani described as the traits of 10x engineers.

Why All the Controversy?
Kirani’s twitter thread has become a source of controversy. Some people fell in love with the concept of an isolated genius engineer who turns coffee into code, while others found the ideas toxic.
Many people criticized this view of a 10x engineer, since producing code and working on a product is always a team work and any engineer, especially a presumably talented one, should possess excellent soft skills and be a team player. Other said the concept of a 10x engineer is purely a myth.
The image of 10x software engineer here was portrayed as the opposite, seen in the points such as “10x engineers are poor mentors” and “poor interviewers”.
A point of view has emerged that 10x engineer, if it does exist, should be someone who thrives in a team environment, shares knowledge efficiently, can multitask and handle tasks assigned to them with agility.
The 10x engineer meme has been dubbed as “unhelpful” and “toxic”. However, understanding 10x engineer concept can still be beneficial for employers and developers alike.
Who Is the Real 10x Software Engineer?
10x engineer is more than a meme and exists in real life. 10x engineers are not isolated geniuses but rather people who have the right combination of skills, are excellent team players, and have strong soft skills.
10x engineers can be identified by their ability to efficiently collaborate with the team, figure out solutions quickly, have excellent problem solving and communication skills, and possess a growth mindset.
10x engineers take ownership of projects, strive for excellence and are passionate about learning.
10x engineer is not a mythical creature but someone who possesses the right combination of technical, soft, and communication skills.
Unlike the stereotype, 10x software engineers actually thrive in team environments, share knowledge efficiently, and can handle tasks assigned to them with agility.
10x Engineer Salary
10x engineers are immensely talented and valuable to any company. As such, 10x engineers often command a high salary. 10x engineer salaries vary depending on the experience, skillset, and expertise of the individual 10x engineer.
At their peak, 10x engineers can earn anywhere from $150K – $200K annually on the lower end. Theoretically, they should be receiving 10x salary for 10x value.
Unfortunately, 10x software engineers are not always compensated fairly, so we don’t always see them getting the astronomical salaries they deserve.

10 Ways to Become a 10x Software Engineer
If you want to join the ranks of 10x engineers, it’s important that you stay motivated and up-to-date with the latest software trends. Working on your own projects is equally important, as 10x engineers are known for their self-driven approach and take initiatives in creating something new and original.
Here are 10 tips to help you become a 10x software engineer.
1. Have a business acumen
Having a keen understanding of key business and financial concepts can be an important factor in becoming the 10x software engineer that many strive to reach.
Having knowledge of the way businesses function and financial decisions are made will not only help you to grow as an engineer, but it will also aid project teams in achieving their goals faster.
Business acumen serves to create a much better understanding of the purpose that an engineering project or product serves its consumers. It will broaden your perspective on why certain projects are undertaken and what impact they may have afterwards – both financially and otherwise. It’s an essential toolbox attached to any 10x software engineers kit.
2. Ask for help
Asking for help is essential in the journey towards becoming a 10x software engineer.
Whether you’re an experienced engineer or new to the field, proactively reaching out to more knowledgeable peers can open up possibilities by connecting you with a variety of perspectives, resources, and opportunities.
It allows you to gain insights from more experienced developers and uncover new problems for learning different approaches and tools.
However, be sure that you are specific about your needs and can demonstrate what problem(s) you are facing so that others may provide more effective help.
Asking for help is also beneficial as it helps build relationships with your colleagues and mentors which will create strong network connections that can be beneficial when seeking guidance or launching projects!
3. Deliver value, not code
As a 10x software engineer, it’s not just about creating code faster – it’s about delivering value.
10x engineers know that creating quality code is only part of the picture and to really make an impact, they need to think of ways to maximize their output and take on challenges from both a technical and a business perspective.
Focusing on adding real value for the end user rather than just churning out code makes 10x engineers stand out from the rest. They understand the customer’s needs and have an eye for detail to make sure their applications are polished, intuitive and effective.
While 10x developers may work harder, smarter and faster than most, it is with these values that they become 10x engineering powerhouses.

4. Treat coding as a craft
Becoming a 10x software engineer doesn’t come without hard work and dedication.
One of the best ways to become an exemplary software engineer is to start treating coding as a craft.
By treating coding like a craft, you will be more inclined to use various tools and techniques that allow you to create high-quality and well-crafted applications.
Spend time honing in on specific coding techniques that help enhance code performance, debug potential issues, ensure reliability, and reflect good design principles.
Furthermore, engaging with developers through community networks or attending seminars can provide fresh ideas to help solve unique programming challenges.
Once you adopt this craft mentality and start practicing regularly, you’ll be on your way becoming 10x software engineer!
5. Focus on results, not technology
Becoming a 10x software engineer is a great goal to strive for, and it is possible to achieve by focusing on results instead of technology.
10x engineers are ones who leverage their knowledge of the latest technologies to create projects that hit unique, difficult-to-reach goals.
By having a deep understanding of the problem they are trying to solve and keeping an eye out for results, 10x software engineers can find solutions that go beyond mere technical parameters.
10x engineers understand that producing long-term value and results is what brings success in a world of rapid technological advancement.
Therefore, if 10x software engineering status is your aim, you should focus on accurate results rather than getting overwhelmed in the process details.
6. Take initiative and think 10 steps ahead
Being a 10x software engineer isn’t just about having the technical know-how — it also requires taking initiative and being able to think 10 steps ahead.
Taking initiative means proactively looking for areas of improvement in your work and suggesting changes to increase efficiency or user experience.
Thinking 10 steps ahead allows you see problems or complications that might arise down the line and be prepared for them before they cause an issue.
Together, these skills give software engineers the edge in producing high quality results that not only solve present grievances but also hold up when appraised against future wear and tear from new technology.
Clearly, taking initiative and thinking 10 steps ahead are invaluable abilities if one wants to become a 10x software engineer!

7. Become an expert in troubleshooting
Becoming an expert in troubleshooting is one of the keys to becoming a 10x software engineer.
10x engineers are experienced coders and problem-solvers – they spot issues, bug fixes and optimizations with ease, and can quickly develop innovative solutions to complex problems.
Therefore, mastering troubleshooting strategies is essential for any serious coder hoping to stand out from their peers.
Crafting a strong understanding of debugging, testing strategies and triaging on top of strong coding skills will make all the difference in developing the 10x software engineer in you.
8. Pay attention to details
Paying attention to details is an essential skill for any 10x software engineer.
Many times, great software engineers are expected not only to create something from scratch but also to troubleshoot and make sure it works as intended.
To do this effectively, you must be meticulous in every step of your process — from the initial concept, to the coding of the program, to its testing.
10x Software Engineers build a reputation for their ability to make sure the smallest changes have been taken into account, ensuring that all code runs seamlessly and performs as expected.
They pay attention to even the minutest details and make sure they double-check their work — especially when dealing with complex systems or working in large groups.
By investing time on paying attention to detail, 10x Software Engineers can save themselves a lot of stress down the line when debugging issues or adding features; they are also able to deliver high quality solutions more reliably and consistently than their peers.
9. Maximize efficiency
Becoming a 10x software engineer is ultimately about maximizing efficiency and utilizing skills that are useful in the development process.
Such techniques can include refactoring code to make it easily understandable, utilizing automation tools, participating in educational activities such as tutorials or lectures, and recognizing patterns for initialization and algorithm designs.
Combined, these approaches allow 10x software engineers to develop better solutions that increase their value to the organization exponentially.
As such, mastering effective time management is instrumental in becoming a 10x software engineer as this allows tech professionals to focus on the most important tasks so that optimal results are achieved quickly.

10. Be a team player and a great mentor
Becoming a 10x software engineer is no easy feat.
It takes more than creating popular applications and having fresh ideas; to be truly 10x, you’ll need strong collaboration skills too.
After all, it’s hard to 10x by yourself! Being a team player and a great mentor can take you the extra mile in the 10x world, allowing you to share your wisdom and knowledge while utilizing the unique strengths of those around you.
The key here is not just wanting success for yourself but valuing the success of those around you as well – no 10x team is built on individual growth alone.
10x software engineers are the holy grail of coding, and they are highly sought after by developers and employers alike.
It takes more than just technical knowledge and skills to become a 10x engineer; it also requires dedication, creativity, troubleshooting proficiency, attention to detail, efficiency mastery, and strong collaborative abilities.
10x engineers have the power to make amazing products that can revolutionize tech—so if you have what it takes, don’t be afraid to 10x your way into success! Good luck!

Elmar Mammadov is a software developer, tech startup founder, and computer science career specialist. He is the founder of CS Careerline and a true career changer who has previously pursued careers in medicine and neuroscience.
Due to his interest in programming and years of past personal experience in coding, he decided to break into the tech industry by attending a Master’s in Computer Science for career changers at University of Pennsylvania. Elmar passionately writes and coaches about breaking into the tech industry and computer science in general.